Welcome to Journey Fellowship

Journey Fellowship is a FANG - a family gang hybrid - that welcomes everyone as they are, wherever you're at in life you will be welcomed with open arms. We just pray that as we continue gathering, we also continue growing; growing closer to God, closer to each other, and closer to the men and women that God created and calls us to be. We don't want to stay in the same place we were when we started, because God has more in store for each of us than we can ever imagine.      

Our goal is to live life together, as a community of believers, similar to the early church. We seek to love God and love people, just as they are, where they are. We strive to have authentic relationships where we can not only love one another but hold each other accountable and challenge each other to continue growing.      

Our focus is on the honest dissection and application of the Word of God. While music is an integral part of our gatherings, it is not our main focus, we seek to focus our hearts and minds on God, on His word, and what He wants us to learn.

Everyone is WELCOME as they are, we just pray we don't STAY that Way

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How We Got Started

Journey Fellowship was started as a small group - waffles around a kitchen table, as a family. Following God's leading that small group of family and friends became a small home church, that then outgrew the house, and now meets in a rental space.

Karl and Rhonda Kreutz are the main leaders, having been called to start a church for a while before truly understanding the picture that Journey Fellowship would be. With continued obedience to what God was laying on their hearts and the people He brought in to help and be a part of this journey alongside them, we now are a family of believers - a family that seeks to create an environment in which people could learn to know God and grow closer to Him.

We are constantly learning and growing, challenging ourselves and each other to be better, acknowledging our mistakes, and continuing to try, despite our failures. We are far from perfect. We have our bad days. We get pulled into the day-to-day weight of life, but our goal is to focus our hearts on God's leading and calling for our lives. And our hope is to live in such a way that when we die, the difference between Jesus and us is as little as possible. 

Friends, the door to this family is open, we love getting new members and we are excited for the opportunity to include you in our journey of worship and fellowship!  Please come join us Saturday morning at 10am!